
Welcome to my little portion of the web! Here I will discuss and comment on what I want...when I want to!

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Pleading the 5th...

How many needles have you lost? Feel free to estimate. Tell us your best “lost needle” story ;)

I plead the 5th to this question!!! I have no idea how that needle ended up on the couch and in my husbands bottom! Just because I was sitting there doesn't mean it was my needle! It could have been anyone's needle! Maybe it was left there by the person who upholstered the couch or...or ..... the cat put it there! Oh, yes, we don't have a cat. Well, maybe we have elves who come in and sew things like in that folktale, you know!? Well, anything is possible!
Visit all the blogs in this round at"http://www.stitchingthenightaway.com"  or "http://www.stitchingthenightaway.com/4233/stitching-bloggers-16-how-many-needles-have-you-lost/"


  1. Right?! There is no way of knowing...there would be way too much guilt associated with the fact someone might find in an unpleasant way!.

  2. at my house the dog did it!!! lol

  3. No way of knowing at all...unless someone tells.......
